Shi, J. J., S. A. Braun, S. D. Nicholls, and K. Mohr, 2020: Evolution of the vertical structure of the Saharan Air Layer during the land-ocean transition using MERRA-2 global analyses and NU-WRF model simulations. AMS 100th Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, January 13-17, 2020.
Shi, J. J., S. A. Braun, and Z. Tao, 2019: Modeling the influence of Saharan dust and other aerosols on Hurricane Earl (2010) using NASA Unified WRF (NUWRF). AGU 2019 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, December 9-13, 2019.
Tao, Z., and M. Chin, Interactions between Asian monsoon and regional air quality – Synergy between MICS-Asia and ACAM, 4th Atmospheric Composition and Asian Monsoon Workshop, Bangi, Malaysia, 26-28 June 2019.
Braun, S. A., J. J. Shi, J. Sippel,T. Matsui, and W. K. Tao, 2018: Does cooler air near the top of the Saharan Air Layer play a role in hurricane intensity change? AMS 33nd Hurricane and Tropical Meteorology Conference, Ponte Vedra, FL, April 16-20, 2018.
Shi, J. J., S. A. Braun, and Z. Tao, 2018: Modeling of the Influence of Saharan Dust and Other Aerosols on Hurricane Earl (2010) using NASA Unified WRF (NUWRF).AMS 33nd Hurricane and Tropical Meteorology Conference, Ponte Vedra, FL, April 16-20, 2018.
Tao, Z., S. Kawa, J. Jacob, D. Liu, G. Collatz, and M. Chin, Simulation of carbon dioxide transport and variability with the NASA-Unified WRF Regional Model, 15th IGAC Science Conference, Takamatsu, Japan, 25-29 September 2018.
Tao, Z., and M. Chin, NU-WRF simulations of air quality over North China Plain at various horizontal resolutions – A contribution to MICS-Asia Phase III, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, 10-14 December 2018.
Jordan, A., Zaitchik, B. F., Gnanadesikan, A., Badr, H. S., & Kim, D. (2018, December). Dust and Drought in the Sahel: dynamics, variability and feedbacks. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Tao, Z., M. Chin, D. Kim, T. Kucsera, X. Pan, and H. Bian, Interactions between Asian air pollution and monsoon system – A multi-scale modeling study, 97th Annual AMS Meeting, Seattle, WA, 22-26 January 2017.
Tao, Z., S. Braun, R. Shi, and M. Chin, Saharan air layer and its aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions – A NU-WRF simulation of an HS3 event, 96th Annual AMS Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 10-14 January 2016.
Tao, Z., S. Braun, R. Shi, and M. Chin, A NU-WRF simulation of Saharan dust and its impact on SAL structure, 32nd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, San Juan, PR, 17-22 April 2016.
Tao, Z., M. Chin, D. Kim, T. Kucsera, X. Pan, and H. Bian, Interactions between Asian monsoon system and regional air quality – A NASA Unified WRF analysis, 13th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Beijing, China, 31 July – 5 August 2016.
Tao, Z., S. Braun, R. Shi, and M. Chin, Role of Saharan air layer in tropical storm – A NU-WRF simulation of a HS3 event, GoldSchmidt2015 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 16-21 August 2015.
Wu, D. et al., High Resolution Model Simulations for MC3E, IFloodS and GCPEx: Comparison with Observations, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015, H13H-1629.
Wang. W. et al., Impacts of Lateral-Boundary-Condition Errors on Regional Climate Downscaling: Lessons Learned from the NASA Downscaling Project, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015, A11F-0109.
Tao W.-K. et al., Uncertainty of Microphysics Schemes in CRMs, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015, A51E-0095.
Shi, J.-J., et al., Results from Recent Observations and Modeling of Saharan Dust interaction with Hurricane Nadine (2012), AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015, A44D-08.
Santanello, J., Impact of Soil Moisture Assimilation on Land Surface Model Spinup and Coupled Land-Atmosphere Prediction, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015, H54D-07.
Roundy, J. et al., Impact of Dynamical Downscaling on Model Representation of Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015, A11F-0104.
Kim, D. et al., High-Resolution Dynamic Dust Source Function Development in the NU-WRF model, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015, A23C-0327.
Lawston, P. and Santenello J., Evaluation of Irrigation Physics in a Land Surface Modeling Framework and Impacts on Coupled Prediction, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015, H33J-04.
Kim, J. et al. Effects of resolution and spectral nudging in simulating the effects of wintertime atmospheric river landfalls in the Western US, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015, A11F-0106.
Iguchi, T et al., Biomass Burning Effects on the Western Africa Climate: the NASA-Unified WRF Simulation for 9–16 August 2006, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015, GC41B-1091.
Kawa, S. et al., Evaluation of Diagnostic CO2 Flux and Transport Modeling in NU-WRF and GEOS-5, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015, A52C-03.
Gabbert T., T. Matsui, W. Capehart, C. Ichoku, C. Gatebe, Investigating the Impacts of Surface Temperature Anomalies due to Burned Area Albedo in Northern sub-Saharan Africa, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015, GC41B-1085.
Assessing the fidelity of dynamical downscaling with the NASA Unified-WRF Model. Case, Jonathan L., E. M. Kemp, W. Wang, T. Iguchi, Y. Tian, D. E. Waliser, P. C. Loikith, B. Tian, J. Kim, and W. M. Putman, 16th Annual WRF Users Workshop, Boulder, 15-19 June 2015.
High-resolution dust source function and a case study in the NU-WRF model. Kim, Dongchul, E. Kemp, M. Chin and Z. Tao, 16th Annual WRF Users Workshop, Boulder, 15-19 June 2015.
Observations and modeling of Saharan dust interaction with Hurricane Nadine (2012). Shi, Jainn J., S. Braun, W.-K. Tao, Z. Tao, T. Matsui, and C. Peters-Lidard, 16th Annual WRF Users Workshop, Boulder, 15-19 June 2015.
Assimilation of GPM observations in the NU-WRF ensemble data assimilation system. Zhang, Sara Q., and M. Zupanski, 16th Annual WRF Users Workshop, Boulder, 15-19 June 2015.
Gabbert T., C. Ichoku, T. Matsui, W. Capehart, Investigating the impacts of surface temperature anomalies due to wildfires in Northern Sub-Saharan Africa, GC53B-0524, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 December 2014.
Tao Z., H. Yu, and M. Chin, The role of aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions in regional air quality – A NU-WRF study over the United States. A31B-3028, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 December 2014.
Zhou Y., W. Lau, D. Wu, W-K. Tao, NU-WRF Simulations of heavy rain events over mid-west US in the spring 2011, A11J-3126NU, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 December 2014.
Smith T., B. Zaitchik, J. Santanello, The role of land-atmosphere interactions during the CONUS 2012 summertime heat wave, GC51A-0381, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 December 2014.
Sara Q. Zhang, M. Zupanski, S. Cheung and P. Chambon, Assimilation of GPM observations in NASA Unified WRF EnDAS , AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 December 2014.
Tao, Z., J. Santanello Jr., and M. Chin, Impact of land cover change on U.S. air quality – A surrogate research with NASA Unified WRF (NU-WRF), 4th iLEAPS Science Conference, Nanjing, China, 12-16 May 2014.
Tao, Z., S. R. Kawa, J. P. Jacob, D. Liu, and M. Chin, Coupling CASA CO2 with NASA Unified WRF (NU-WRF), 15th Annual WRF Users’ Workshop, Boulder, CO, 23-27 June 2014.
Zupanski, M., S. Q. Zhang, A. Y. Hou, and C. Peters-Lidard, 2013: Forecast error covariance in a coupled land-atmosphere data assimilation with NASA-Unified WRF model. Sixth Symposium on Data Assimilation, World Meteorological Organization, October 7-11, 2013, College Park, Maryland.
Tao, W.K., D. Wu, T. Matsui, C. Peters-Lidard, A. Hou, M. Rienecker, W. Petersen, and M. Jensen, 2013: Diurnal variation of precipitation during MC3E: NASA Unifed-WRF (NU-WRF) simulations. 14th Annual WRF Users Workshop, Boulder, 24-28 June 2013.
Tao, Z., H. Yu, and M. Chin, Impact of transpacific aerosols on air quality over the United States: A perspective from aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December 2013.
Santanello, J. A., S. V.Kumar, C. D. Peters-Lidard, K. Harrison, and S. Zhou, 2013: Impact of LSM parameter estimation and data assimilation on short-term WRF forecasts. 14th Annual WRF Users Workshop, Boulder, 24-28 June 2013.
Zaitchik, B., J. Santanello, S. Kumar, and C. Peters-Lidard, 2013: Influence of seasonal soil moisture memory on land-atmosphere interactions: A study of the 2006 Southern Great Plains drought. 14th Annual WRF Users Workshop, Boulder, 24-28 June 2013.
Wu, D., W.K. Tao, T. Matsui, C. Peters-Lidard, A. Hou, G. S. Jackson, L. Tian, and G. Heymsfield, 2013: Validating NU-WRF simulations using GPM field campaigns for various precipitation systems. NASA Precipitation Measurement Missions Science Team Meeting, 18-21 March 2013.
Zupanski, M., S. Q. Zhang, P. Chambon, A. Y. Hou, X. Lin, and S. H. Cheung, 2013: Ensemble-based assimilation and downscaling of the GPM satellite precipitation information: Current status and future development of Goddard WRF-EDAS. NASA Precipitation Measurement Missions Science Team Meeting, 18-21 March 2013.
Kim, K., W. K. Lau, W. Tao, J. J. Shi, Q. Tan, M. Chin, T. Matsui, E. M. Kemp, and C. D. Peters-Lidard, 2012: High-resolution modeling of influences of absorbing aerosols on rainfall over northern India and the Himalaya foothills during boreal summer. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 3-7 December 2012.
Matsui, T., 2012: The NASA-Unified Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with the Goddard Satellite Data Simulator Unit: Multi-sensor radiance-based evaluation of land-aerosol-cloud-precipitation processes. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 3-7 December 2012.
Santanello, J. A., C. Peters-Lidard, S. Kumar, and K. Harrison, 2012: Impact of calibrated LSM parameters on the accuracy of land-atmosphere coupling in WRF simulations. 13th Annual WRF Users Workshop, Boulder, 25-29 June 2012.
Case, J. L., J. R. Bell, F. J. LaFontaine, and C. D. Peters-Lidard, 2012: Effects of real-time NASA vegetation data on model forecasts of severe weather. 16th Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface, American Meteorological Society, New Orleans, 22-26 January 2012.
Case, J. L., F. J. LaFontaine, S. V. Kumar, and C. D. Peters-Lidard, 2012: Using the NASA-Unified WRF to assess the impacts of real-time vegetation on simulations of severe weather. 13th Annual WRF Users Workshop, Boulder, 26-29 June 2012.
Wu, D., W.-K. Tao, T. Matsui, C. Peters-Lidard, A. Hou, G. S. Jackson, L. Tian, and G. M. Heymsfield, 2012: Validating NU-WRF simulations during GPM field campaigns for various precipitating systems. AGU Fall Meeting., San Francisco, 3-7 December 2012.
Matsui, T., J. J. Shi, W. Tao, C. D. Peters-Lidard, and M. Chin, 2011: The Goddard Satellite Data Simulator Unit coupled with the NASA-Unified Weather Research and Forecasting Model. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 5-9 December 2011.
Shi, J. J., T. Matsui, W. Tao, C. D. Peters-Lidard, M. Chin, Q. Tan, and E. Kemp, 2011: Coupling the Goddard aerosol transport model, cloud microphysics and radiation schemes in the NASA-Unified Weather Research and Forecasting (NU-WRF) model. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 5-9 December 2011.
Zaitchik, B. F., J. A. Santanello, S.V. Kumar, and C. D. Peters-Lidard, 2011: Influence of seasonal soil moisture memory on land-atmosphere interactions: A coupled mesoscale modeling study of the 2006 Southern Great Plains drought. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 5-9 December 2011.
Tan, Qian, J. A. Santanello, S. Zhou, Z. Tao, C. D. Peters-Lidard, and M. Chin, 2011: Design and impacts of land-biogenic-atmosphere coupling in the NASA-Unified WRF (NU-WRF) modeling system. 3rd iLEAPS International Science Conference, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 18-23 September 2011.
Tao, Z., Q. Tan, and M. Chin, 2011: Simulation of aerosol and its optical properties with the NU-WRF modeling system for the 2010 CalNex case. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 5-9 December 2011.
Burns, R., S. Zhou, and R. Syed, 2010: Software engineering practices in the development of NASA Unified Weather Research and Forecasting (NU-WRF) model. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 13-17 December 2010.
Tao, W.K., J. Chern, T. Matsui, S. Lang, R. Shi, X. Zeng, X. Li, B. Shen, and C. Peters-Lidard, 2010: Using multi-scale modeling systems to study the precipitation processes. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2-7 May 2010.
Tao, W.K., 2009: Multi-scale modeling system with unified physics. 6th International Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, Melbourne, 24-28 August 2009.