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NU-WRF Source Code and Data

The release of NU-WRF software is subject to NASA legal review and requires users to sign a Software Usage AgreementToshi Matsui ( and Carlos Cruz ( are the points of contact for discussing and processing requests for the NU-WRF software.

  • Source Code Repository - Development source code is stored on an NCCS  (NASA Center for Climate Simulation) sponsored Gitlab server which is accessible by invitation. Older NU-WRF releases are available in a tarball and can be obtained after signing the software release agreement. The source code includes various NU-WRF components, WRF packages, utilities, and test cases for the project. 
  • Shared folder - large data folder located on NCCS discover system holds libraries, use case data sets, and official NU-WRF releases managed by ASTG. 

More information on how to get the source code is available on the NU-WRF user's guide site. 

Running NU-WRF 

 The NU-WRF source code requires Fortran 90/2003, C, and C++ compilers. The current release officially supports Intel compilers (ifort, icc, and icpc) on DISCOVER (at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) and PLEIADES (at NASA Ames Research Center). A large number of third-party libraries must be installed before building NU-WRF. Details are available in the NU-WRF user's guide. Each component of the NU-WRF modeling system has a unique compilation mechanism, ranging from simple “Makefiles” to sophisticated Perl and shell scripts. To make it easier for the user to create desired executables and to more easily resolve dependencies between components, NU-WRF includes a high-level “wrapper” Python script for compilation. The latest NU-WRF release currently uses Intel-MPI on DISCOVER and PLEIADES; SGIMPT is also available on DISCOVER and Pleiades. Sample workflows are presented in NU-WRF user's guide to initialize and run WRF in multiple confgurations as well as post-processing the WRF / LIS model output.

Requesting Help

To request help from the NU-WRF development team, please contact Toshi Matsui ( or Carlos Cruz ( 

When reporting a bug or an error running NU-WRF, please provide a description of the problem, including any error messages. Also, attach a copy of any relevant supporting files such as the namelist.input file.