NU-WRF version 11.5, AKA Ekman patch 5, is the latest version (first released 8/2/24)
Upgrade includes:
- WRF v4.6
- WPS v4.6
- LISF v7.5
To work with this release checkout the develop branch
Note the develop branch contains important bug fixes and other additions including
- WRF-LIS coupling bug fix
- WRF radiation driver merge bug fix
- Baselib generation enhancements
- 2-moment microphysics code from R. Shi (MP option 107, but still being tested)
- Updated documentation (no longer maintained in LatEx files, but now fully online)
NU-WRF version 11.4, AKA Ekman patch 4, is available (updated 4/30/24)
- Various NU-WRF-Chem updates that improve chemistry-aerosol simulations.
- Updates to build system and test cases.
- Build system on Discover defaults to build under SLES 15 OS
- Updated various libraries in conformance with LISF updates
To work with this release checkout the ekman_11.4 tag
For more information please refer to the user's guide under "Documentation".
NU-WRF version 11.3, AKA Ekman patch 3, has been released (3/7/23)
- Bug fixes introduced in v11.2. This issue was shown to affect WRF-Chem runs using offline GOCART options.
- Updated and corrected many test cases.
To work with this release checkout the ekman_11.3 tag
For more information please refer to the user's guide under "Documentation".
NU-WRF version 11.2, AKA Ekman patch 2, has been released (9/12/22)
Upgrade includes:
- WRF v4.4
- WPS v4.4
- LISF v7.4
- Option to read/process MINDS GOCART background data
- Option to read/process CEDS anthropogenic emissions(*)
- Updated, simplified and corrected tests
- Minor fixes to build system
To work with this release checkout the ekman_11.2 tag
For more information please refer to the user's guide under "Documentation".
(*) Still working on some convert_emiss.exe read issues.
NU-WRF version 11.1, AKA Ekman patch 1, has been released.
Upgrade includes:
- WRF v4.3
- WPS v4.3
- Minor fixes to build system
- Updated tests
To work with this release checkout the ekman_11.1 tag
For more information please refer to the user's guide under "Documentation".
NU-WRF version 11, AKA Ekman, has been released.
Upgrade includes:
- WRF v4.2.1
- WPS v4.2.1
- LISF v7.3
- Improvements to build system
- Updated tests
For more information please refer to the user's guide under "Documentation".
NU-WRF development source code available in a Git repository
Development version includes
- Various improvements (see below)
- Significant refactoring of directory structure
- Significant reduction of code base
- Continuous integration (*)
(*) future
NU-WRF source code is available in a Git repository. Access to the repository requires that users fill out a Software Usage Agreement.
To request access please contact
- Toshi Matsui ( or
- Carlos Cruz (
WRF Physics Improvements
Incorporation of three contributed codes into WRF physics.
- DOE CRM (Department of Energy Cloud Resolving Model)
- utilizes WRF as a CRM/LES using doubly periodic lateral boundaries
- NTU physics (National Taiwan University microphysics)
- is a multi-moment four-ice (pristine ice, aggregate, graupel, and hail) bulk microphysical scheme
- WRF electrification
- explicit charging/discharge model implemented into the NSSL(*) two-moment microphysics scheme
(*) NSSL: National Severe Storms Laboratory
Readers and data converters
Three new readers and data converters added in the development release. These tools facilitate the accessibility of reanalysis data sets for use within NU-WRF.
Updated pre-processing system
The following utilities test the physics scheme in off-line (no dynamics integration) mode.
- GMP: Goddard MicroPhysics off-line testbed
- GRAD: Goddard RADiation off-line test bed