NU-WRF Training
Nu-wrf training for AFWA will be held on
September 10 (9am - 4pm) and 11th (9am - 12:00 noon).
Wednesday September 10, Room E108
9:00am-12:00pm NU-WRF Tutorial: Part 1: Background
1. NU-WRF overview (Christa Peters-Lidard)
2. NU-WRF software and compiling (Eric Kemp)
3. Land surface spinup and coupling in NU-WRF (Joe Santanello)
4. Dust, emissions, and aerosols in NU-WRF (Mian Chin)
5. Microphysics, radiation schemes and Aerosol-Radiation-Microphysics
coupling in NU-WRF (Wei-Kuo Tao)
6. G-SDSU (Toshi Matsui)
12:00 pm -2:00 pm Lunch offsite
Wednesday September 10, Room A128
2:00pm-5:00pm NU-WRF Tutorial: Part 2: Case Studies
Thursday September 11, Room E125
9:00am-12:00pm NU-WRF Tutorial: Part 3: Meet the developers/technical discussions
12:00 pm Adjourn
Contact: Toshi Matsui ( or Christa Peters-Lidard (