NU-WRF Version 8 Patch 1 ("Bjerknes Patch 1") Released
NU-WRF Version 8 Patch 1 ("Bjerknes Patch 1; v8p1-wrf371-lis71rp7) was released on 19 September 2016.
- CRITICAL BUG FIX: Changed REAL to always copy TSK and TMN values from grid%*_gc arrays before merging METGRID and LIS data. This corrects a fatal error when processing METGRID and LIS fields without SST. Bjerknes users who need WRF-LIS coupling should upgrade to this release.
- CRITICAL BUG FIX: Added TLAG variable to WRF restart file (via Registry.EM_COMMON). This patch was released by NCAR on 8 Sep 2016 to fix a problem with dynamic deep soil temperature in WRF 3.7, WRF 3.7.1, WRF 3.8, and WRF 3.8.1. Bjerknes users who need to the dynamic deep soil temperature parameterization should upgrade to this release.
- UPP bug fixes:
- Radar reflectivity for 3ICE or 4ICE microphysics: Now reads the 'REFL_10CM' variable instead of the non-existent 'DBZ' variable.
- Removed redundant deallocation statements for lightning product, which were causing UPP to crash.
- Added ndviBareness4Wrf utility, which can process NASA GIMSS or SPoRT MODIS-based NDVI products and create a "bareness" field for dynamic dust emissions. This requires new external libraries (GDAL and FORTRANGIS).
- Retired build configuration file for GNU compilers, as these compilers cannot build the GDAL or FORTRANGIS libraries (internal compiler errors).
- Added script to download real-time SPoRT SST GRIB2 files. Script and configuration files are in the new scripts/fetch_data directory.
- Updated UNGRIB to set all negative SST values to -1.E30 (the default missing flag used by METGRID). This makes it easier to use the SPoRT SST product.
- LISCONFIG updates:
- Map projection now output by Fortran program for insertion into ldt.config file.
- Python script now checks to see if and domain settings from Fortran program are unused when updating ldt.config and lis.config files. This behavior is assumed to indicate an error with the input template file (i.e., a setting is missing in the template). This can happen if the template is for a different map projection then was will be used with NU-WRF.
- Added initialization of dx and dy in METGRID when processing equidistant cylindrical (latitude-longitude) or Gaussian projection data. This fixes an interpolation problem.
- Changed the WPS INT2NC utility to output in netCDF4.
- Upgraded NUWRFLIB external library package on Discover and Pleiades to version 8r2. This includes GDAL and FORTRANGIS, and upgrades to some other libraries including NETCDF4.
- Minor bug fixes to sample batch configuration files.
- Grell-Freitas cumulus scheme (cu_physics=3) is sensitive to CPU count (inherited from WRF 3.7.1). No fix.
- LIS only supports up to 3 grids.
- CASA2WRF is not using netCDF4/HDF5 compression in output.
- Intel MPI hangs on Discover for large (> 2000 cpu) jobs. Use SGI MPT instead for big jobs.
- Bad TEMF PBL restarts (inherited from WRF 3.7.1). No fix.
- Unphysical results if urban physics only used on some grids (inherited from WRF 3.7.1). Use urban physics on all grids or on none.